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Thomas F. Fischer, M.Div., M.S.A., Editor

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Go Easy, Go Gently, Go In Peace

Thomas F. Fischer, M.Div., M.S.A.

Number 34

Go easy. Go gently. Go in peace.

You may have to push forward, but you don’t have to push so hard.
Go easy. Go gently. Go in peace.

Do not be in so much of a hurry. At no day, no hour, no time are you required to do more that what you can do in peace. Move, but moved confidently. Move decisively, but deliberately in the plan of God.
Go easy. Go gently. Go in peace.

Do not be so hurried. The rat race will kill you. Pursuing the urgent may cause you to overrun the essential...and the important. Do as much as you can, as faithfully as you can…but only what you can do in peace.
Go easy. Go gently. Go in peace.

The frantic, urgent and stressed actions of uncontrolled urgency are not the foundation for the Christian life. Neither are they the pillars of enduring Christian leadership. Nor does such anxiousness reflect the gracious guiding of God. Instead, the frantic and the urgent are simply anxious actions. Left uncontrolled, they may lead to desperation and a further falling away from the calming confidence of God’s calling.
Go easy. Go gently. Go in peace.

Do not be in too much of a hurry to begin. Begin, but do not force the beginning if it is not time. The beginning God desires will arrive soon enough. Wait, watch, and be willing. The beginning will come. And it will come with joy, with opportunity, and with a peaceful flow of God’s energy.
Go easy. Go gently. Go in peace.

When God’s time has come, enjoy and relish the time, the experience and the reward. Bask in the thrill of effective implementation. Be absorbed in the joy of the working of God, a working of peace in His time to change lives and bring lasting Hope. Be confirmed in the remembrance of God’s calling. You are His instrument, His renewed creation, His chosen servant. Put away fear and anxiety. Allow your soul to be immersed in the joy of God’s gracious working unfolding before you.
Go easy. Go gently. Go in peace.

Do not be in too much of a hurry to finish. Don’t rush it! You may be almost done, but enjoy the final moments to the very end. Give yourself fully to those moments so that you may ponder the preciousness of all that God has intended. In those final moments treasure the greatest memories, recall the greatest joys, and in those precious moments lose yourself in the greatest peace. Let the pace flow naturally toward its unforgettable God-ordained end.
Go easy. Go gently. Go in peace.

Move forward. Then start. Keep moving forward. Then begin again. Do it gently, peacefully, as before. Do not rush it. Let the rhythm of the movement proceed, but let it reflect the soothing heartbeat of God's timing. Let the new harmonies grow into a greater harmony, a greater resounding than before. Or, if God so ordains, let the harmonies change to a new tempo, a new movement, or a new song of God’s working...however painful it may be. Whatever His working, let Him work in you and you in Him.
Go easy. Go gently. Go in peace.

Beginning or ending, planning or reflecting, hurting or healing, cherish each moment. Savor God’s guidance. Seek what’s really important. Don’t rush, don’t hurry, don’t scramble. Surrender your soul to the simple peace of God’s leading and urging, to His beginning and ending.
Go easy. Go gently. Go in peace.

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as
the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled,
neither let it be afraid." John 14:27 KJV

Thomas F. Fischer

Inspired by Melody Beattie’s "Go Easy (April 1)" from The Language of
Letting Go
. Center City, MN: Hazelden Books, 1990.

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