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Christian Ministry Professionals

Thomas F. Fischer, M.Div., M.S.A., Editor

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Systems Theory Resources

Number 346


(1) EVENT TAPES, PO Box 41455, Brecksville, OH 44141-0455 (440-526-8938)

- A four audio cassette set of two lectures (2 1/2 hours each) by Ed Friedman given in 1992 to an Ohio Methodist Pastor's School - $18 (postage included).

- An eight audio cassette set of four lectures by Ed Friedman on "A failure of Nerve: Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix" given in 1996 (a few months before his death) in Michigan - $38 (postage included).

(2) SEVEN OAKS FOUNDATION, 9145 Sligo Creek Pkwy, Silver Springs, MD-20901 (301-587-0030) Audio tapes:

- "Reimaging the Image of God" (A two cassette set)

- "Dr. Friedman Speaks" series of single cassettes: "Family Party Poopers", "Body and Soul in Family Process", "Work Systems as Family Systems", "leadership Through Self-differentiation", "The Family of Origin Approach", "My Own Basic Beliefs", "Willfulness and Change", "Therapeutic Street Savvy", "Communication as an Emotional Phenomenon", "Paradox in Therapy and Paradox in Life", "Perspective" and "How to Get Your Kid to Drop Out and Save $60,000 in Tuition"

(3) GEORGETOWN FAMILY CENTER, 4400 MacArthur Blvd., NW, Suite 103, Washington, DC 20007-2521 (202-965-0730)

Write for a catalog of audio and video tapes available for rental and purchase by Murray Bowen, Mike Kerr and others on the Family Center staff and speakers at annual symposia and training and conference events.

(4) GUILFORD PUBLICATIONS INC., 72 Spring Street , NY, NY 10012 (1-800-365-7006)

Publisher of Ed's two books, a set of audio tapes of the Fables and the video-study guide "Reinventing Leadership".

(5) THE ALBAN INSTITUTE, Suite 1250 W., 7315 Wisconsin Ave., Bethesda, MD 20814-3211 (301-718-4407)

Publisher of Ed's video "Family Process and Process Theology".

(6) CARLYN BECKMAN FRIEDMAN, 6 Wynkoop Ct., Bethesda, MD 20817 (301-229-4319)

- Source for a packet of reprints of 13 of Ed's writings and published articles ($35) and the published unfinished manuscript of A Failure of Nerve: Leadership In the Age of the Quick Fix ($40) (both prices include postage).


Murray Bowen, Family Therapy in Clinical Practice, Jason Aronson, Inc., 1985. A collection of Bowen's lectures, articles, etc.from 1957-1977.

Edwin H. Friedman, Generation to Generation: Family Process in Church and Synagogue, The Guilford Press, 1985.

Edwin H. Friedman, "Bowen Theory and Therapy", a chapter in the revised edition of The Handbook of Family Therapy, edited by A. S. Gurman and D. P. Kniskern, Brunner-Mazel, NY, 1991.

Edwin H. Friedman, Friedman's Fables, The Guilford Press, 1990.

Edwin H. Friedman, A Failure of Nerve: Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix, The Edwin Friedman Estate, 1999.

Roberta M. Gilbert, Extraordinary Relationships, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1992.

Roberta M. Gilbert, Connecting With Our Children, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1999.

Michael E. Kerr and Murray Bowen, Family Evaluation, W. W. Norton and Co., 1988. Basic presentation of Bowen Theory.

Monica McGoldrick and Randy Gerson, Genograms in Family Assessment , W. W. Norton and Co., 1985.

Monica McGoldrick, You Can Go Home Again: Reconnecting With Your Family, W. W. Norton and Co., 1995.

Ronald W. Richardson, Family Ties That Bind, Self-Counsel Press, 1984.

Ronald W. Richardson and Lois A. Richardson, Birth Order and You, Self-Counsel Press, 1990.

Ronald W. Richardson, Creating A Healthier Church, Fortress Press, 1996.

Peter L. Steinke, How Your Church Family Works, The Alban Institute, Inc., 1993.

Peter L. Steinke, Healthy Congregations: A Systems Approach, The Alban Institute, Inc., 1996.

(The first two Richardson books can be ordered from Self-Counsel Press,Inc., 1704 N. State Street, Bellingham, WA 98225.)

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